
Abdul Ghafoor

AI-Multimedia Gaming
Mr. Abdul Ghafoor has done the BS and an MS degree in Computer Science from Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur. His expertise spans both industry and academia, showcasing a well-rounded professional background.

During the period of August 2017 to August 2021, Mr. Ghafoor served as an Instructor in Computer Science at the IBA Institute of Emerging Technologies, Khairpur. Following this, from August 2021 to January 2022, he assumed the role of Computer Vision professional at 360 Cloud Vision, Sukkur. Subsequently, from February 2022 to April, he enriched the academic landscape as a visiting lecturer at Sukkur IBA University, Khandkot Campus, Khandkot.
His global exposure includes a tenure as a Research Assistant from March 2022 to October 2022 at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. Later, from November 2022 to June 2023, he worked as a Junior Researcher AI at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia.

Mr. Ghafoor’s journey has now led him to Aror University, where he joined as a Lecturer in AI, Multimedia, and Gaming.

His research portfolio is both extensive and diverse, encompassing areas such as Machine Learning, NLP, Multi-lingual Text Processing, LLMS, Deep Learning, Sentiment Analysis, AI in Cybersecurity, Explainable AI , and Generative AI.

Notably, he is an accomplished author with a remarkable list of research articles to his credit. For a comprehensive overview of his scholarly contributions, please refer to the provided list of papers below.


  1. [1] Ghafoor A, Imran AS, Daudpota SM, Kastrati Z, Shaikh S , Batra R: SentiUrdu-1M: A Large-Scale Tweet Dataset for Urdu Text Sentiment Analysis using Weakly Supervised Learning, PLOS ONE, 2023.
  2. [2] Ghafoor A, Imran AS, Daudpota SM, Kastrati Z, Batra R, Wani MA. The impact of translating resource-rich datasets to low-resource languages through multi-lingual text processing. IEEE Access. 2021 Sep 3;9:124478-90.
  3. [3] Batra R, Imran AS, Kastrati Z, Ghafoor A, Daudpota SM, Shaikh S. Evaluating polarity trend amidst the coronavirus crisis in peoples’ attitudes toward the vaccination drive. Sustainability. 2021 May 11;13(10):5344.
  4. [4] Chohan M, Khan A, Mahar MS, Hassan S, Ghafoor A, Khan M. Image Captioning using Deep Learning: A Systematic. IJACSA. 2020;11(5).
  5. [5] Batra R, Kastrati Z, Imran AS, Daudpota SM, Ghafoor A. A large-scale tweet dataset for urdu text sentiment analysis. 2021 , preprints.org.