Message from Director QEC

The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at Aror University works to improve the standards of quality education, research, and governance of the university. The QEC believes in enhancing academic quality by implementing a quality assessment mechanism through Self-Assessment Process. This process leads to the Self-Assessment Report (SAR). According to Higher Education Commission, the main objective of preparing SAR is “to improve academic programs and ensure high academic standards by providing feedback for faculty and administration to initiate an action plan for improvement.”
At the same, the QEC is responsible for liaising with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and other Accreditation Bodies like Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and Pakistan Council for Architects and Town Planners (PCATP). Simultaneously, the QEC believes in making linkages by signing the MoUs with different HEIs in Pakistan and abroad to exchange ideas for innovation and quality assurance in academia.
Dr. Mujahid Mehdi
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Design, and Director QEC
Aror University of Art, Architecture, Design and Heritage Sukkur