Scheme of Studies offered for BS Programs
Degree Program for Fall/Spring Batch -2022 and onward under Semester System
Bachelor’s Degree Program Detail
Degree program | 4 years |
Credit Hours (Minimum) | 124 |
Credit Hours (Maximum) | 144 |
Degree program | 5 years |
Credit Hours (Minimum) | 160 |
Credit Hours (Maximum) | 180-222 |
Semester Duration | Minimum number of 16 weeks of teaching |
Course Duration | For BS 4 years Program
Summer Session | For deficiency/failure/improver/ withdrawal of course(s) and repetition of courses |
Course Load per Fall / Spring Semester for Regular Full-Time Students | 15-18 Credit hours (CH) For Four years Program 18-23 Credit hours (CH) for Five years Program |
Examination Semester System
The Examination System conducts 2 semesters in each year. In each semester, students may be required to appear in quizzes, tests, mid-semester, final semester examinations, presentations (individual/group), group discussion, and submit projects/ assignments/ lab reports, studio work, etc. These assessment marks (to be determined by the teacher concerned) will have different weightage contributing toward the overall assessment in percent marks.This weightage may be determined based on the following table:
Theory marks Distribution
Nature of Examination (Theory) | Max. marks |
Sessional marks (quiz, assignment, Presentation, Practical) | 30 |
Midterm Examinations | 30 |
Final Examinations | 40 |
Total marks | 100 |
Nature of Examination (Practical) | Max. marks |
Practical Exam | 20 |
Viva, Discussion, Presentation | 15 |
Manuals, Project File etc | 15 |
Total marks | 50 |
Fall/Spring Semester
There will be two regular semesters (Fall & Spring) in an academic year. As under, (Further can be elaborated/ Bifurcated by the Concerned Faculty member) but the semester duration will remain the same.Yearly Semester breakup of 52 weeks
Teaching duration of 1st semester | 16 Weeks |
Conduct of Mid Semester Exam | 01 Week |
Preparation of final Fall Semester Exam | 01 Week |
Conduct of final Fall Semester Exam | 02 Weeks |
Semester Break | 01 Week |
Teaching duration of 2nd Semester | 16 Weeks |
Conduct of Mid Semester Exam | 01 Week |
Preparation of final Spring Semester Exam | 01 Week |
Conduct of final Spring Semester Exam | 02 Weeks |
Semester Break | 01 Week |
Summer/Winter Semester (including examination) | 08 Weeks |
Winter/Summer Break | 02 Weeks |
Summer/Winter Semester Rules
- Summer/Winter semester will be offered as an optional semester of 08 weeks duration.
- Students will be offered courses to remove deficiencies and can register for up to 08 credit hours for the summer/winter semester.
- A student who has either failed or has been stopped to take the examination due to a shortage of class attendance/ withdrawn course(s)/ wishes to improve his/her grade is allowed to register in the summer/winter semester.
- The contact hours per week during the Summer/Winter Semester will be doubled to ensure that the course is completely taught in a summer/winter session with half of the duration as compared to a regular (Fall/Spring) semester.
- There will be no supplementary/special examination after the adoption of the summer/winter semester (for the batch with which it is going to be adopted).
- The course in the summer/winter semester will be offered with the minimum course registration of 05 students (where the intake of students is small, minimum course registration should be 50 %, failure students)
- In case of less number of students, those student will be admitted in next year’s summer/winter semester.
- University/Program cannot offer both summer and winter semesters in an academic year.
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar shall be prepared by office of Controller Examination in consultation with Deans/HoDs/Academic Coordinator.The calendar shall include the following information: to be adopted from the academic year 2022-23 onwards.
- a. Date of start of classes
- b. Conduct of mid-semester
- c. Date of suspension of classes
- d. Schedule of examination
- e. Display of sessional/ CAT marks
- f. Examination preparation up to one week
- g. Conduct of final semester exam
- h. Announcement of results
- e. Mark sheet / Transcript issues dates.
In case a university is closed due to unusual circumstances, then makeup classes must be arranged converting weekends or holidays or evening classes to working days or evening classes to cover the lapsed period of the students.
Withdrawal of Course(s)
- Students may be allowed to withdraw from a course during the first 6 weeks of the semester.
- In such a case the transcript shall record that the student enrolled in the course “and withdraw.
- Consequently, a grade” will be awarded to the student which shall have no impact on the calculation of the CGPA of the student.
- A student withdrawing after the 6 weeks shall be automatically awarded “F” grade which shall count in the GPA and stay on the transcript.
- This course will be a new course and student will not claim in the summer semester.
- At the time of re-registration of the withdrawal course, full course fees will be charged.
Change of Program
- Enrolled students who wish to change their academic program must submit an Undergraduate Change of Program request.
- Change of program will be allowed within HEI disciplines where first year has been made common.
- Students successfully clearing the first year with mandatory CGPA (2/2.5) with no F.
- The request must be approved by both the current and new academic departments.
- Students wishing to change majors should talk with an advisor in both departments.
- Students should gain the acceptance of the new academic program prior to disengaging from the current one.
Repeating/ improving of CGPA in course(s)
- If a student gets an ‘F’ grade, she/he will be required to repeat the course. However, the “F” grade obtained earlier will also be recorded on the transcript.
- Undergraduate students may be allowed to repeat a course in which she/he has obtained grade “D” & below. In such a case both the previous and new grades obtained will be recorded on the transcript, however, only the better grade shall be used in the calculation of CGPA.
- In the case of CGPA improvement, it would be recorded with (Imp) on the transcript.
Grading System Policy
S.NO | % Equivalence | Grade Point | Grade | Remarks |
1 | 94 – 100 | 4.00 | A+ | |
2 | 90 – 93.99 | 3.88 | A | |
3 | 87 – 89.99 | 3.50 | A- | |
4 | 83 – 86.99 | 3.33 | B+ | |
5 | 80 – 82.99 | 3.00 | B | |
6 | 75 – 79.99 | 2.88 | B- | |
7 | 71 – 74.99 | 2.67 | C+ | |
8 | 68 – 70.99 | 2.50 | C | |
9 | 64 – 67.99 | 2.33 | C- | |
10 | 61 – 63.99 | 2.00 | D | |
11 | 60 – 60.99 | 1.70 | D- | |
12 | 59.99 | 0.00 | F | Below 60 |
13 | 0.00 | 0.00 | I | Incomplete |
14 | 0.00 | 0.00 | W | Withdraw Course |
15 | 0.00 | 0.00 | X | Exempted Course |
Freezing and Re-admission criteria of Semester
- If a student freezes a semester(s), she/he will resume his/her studies from the same stage where she/he left (froze). No freezing during the semester will be allowed. The maximum duration of the degree program shall remain the same.
- Freezing of semester will be allowed after successful completion of 1st Semester.
- The duration of Freezing is one year; a candidate who gets a semester freeze can get readmission next year with the upcoming session.
- Hardship cases for readmission fees will be considered on case-to-case basis.
- Semester fees will be charged after joining /attempting the semester.
- In all circumstances, re-admission to any student shall only be granted in the semester where the student has discontinued his/her study due to any reason.
- A student admitted in any semester shall be registered in all such courses prescribed in that
Unfair means Cases Committee
Any candidate found guilty of the following matters, his/her case will be submitted to the Unfair Means Cases Committee Approved by Academic Council of the University. This committee will be constituted of one Dean/Head / In charge Faculty, one Program In charge/ senior faculty member, the Controller of Examinations or his Nominee.Reporting Protocols
If the student is caught by cheating, concerned duty invigilator must inform the Head Invigilator/ Factotum immediately and Factotum will inform Controller of Examination and the case will be taken through Unfair Means Cases Committee members on same day.Punishment
The punishment is categorized into three segments based on severity of case.Case No.1
When the student is caught by cheating and admits her/his mistake, the paper will be cancelled on spot and s/he will be allowed to appear for paper on next year’s semester.
Case No.2
When the student is caught by cheating but resists to handover cheating content/material/ answer script then s/he will be warned twice verbally to surrender else he will face the consequences and 3rd time his whole semester will be cancelled (freez).
Case No.3
When the student is caught by cheating and still misbehaves/ abuses or create any uncertain/unwanted circumstances for duty invigilators or any other concerned duty staff. S/he will be warned verbally twice to leave the examination Hall and handover the cheating content with answer script immediately with a condition to freez h/his whole semester but if s/he even worsens the situation for third time, her/his enrollment will be cancelled and s/he will be expelled from the University.
In addition, the case will be forwarded to unfair means cases committee if the student:
- Removes a leaf from his/her answer book, the answer book shall be canceled.
- Submits forged or fake documents in connection with the examination.
- Commits impersonation in the examination.
- Mutilates the Answer Book.
- Possesses any kind of material, which may be helpful to his/her in the examination.
- Does anything that is immoral or illegal in connection with the examination and which may be helpful to him/her in the examination.
Appeal Against the Decision of the Unfair means Cases Committee
If a student is not satisfied with the decision of the Unfair Means Cases Committee, she/he can submit his/her appeal within a week after the decision of the Committee to the Vice-Chancellor. No appeal shall lie against the decision of the vice-chancellor.Permission of writers for special students
- A visually impaired student may be allowed to attempt the Mid/Final Examinations of the University on Braille/ Computer/any other means of facilitation.
- In case a student is physically handicapped/visually impaired, she/he may apply to the controller of examination through the Principal/ Chairperson of the respective college/Program (with a medical certificate as proof of her/his disability) for permission to engage a writer in Tests/ Examinations of the University one week before the start of Tests/ Examinations.
- The controller examination will allow the helper to the disabled student (She/He cannot write). The qualification of a helper will be at least one step lower than that of the student
- (e.g. for level 6 student, the writer should be at the most of level 5).
- The controller of examinations (if necessary, keeping in view the condition of the student) will decide and allow the student extra time up to 45 minutes to solve the question paper.
Awards and Distinctions
- i. Medals/Positions will be awarded to the students passing their courses/papers in Semester System in the first attempt only.
- ii. In the Semester System, Letter Grades will be awarded on the basis of GPA / CGPA, and positions would be given on the basis of CGPA. In case two or more students are acquiring the same CGPA only then the positions will be shared among those students.
- iii. No medal and position will be granted to candidates who passed the examination in 2nd attempt.
- iv. No Medal/Roll of Honor will be awarded in the case of improving CGPA.
- v. The disciplines where the number of students are less than 05, no position will be awarded in the semester system.