Kashmir Black Day was observed at Aror University, Sukkur

October 28, 2024 – Aror University Sukkur solemnly observed Kashmir Black Day today to express unwavering solidarity with the people of Kashmir. The day marked the anniversary of the Indian military’s intervention in Jammu and Kashmir on October 27, 1947, and aimed to raise awareness of the struggles faced by Kashmiris in their pursuit of freedom and self-determination.

The event commenced at 10:30 AM with the recitation of the Holy Quran, the national anthem followed and a series of speeches by students further reinforced the message of solidarity with Kashmir. Students delivered passionate speeches in Urdu & Sindhi Languages emphasizing the importance of standing by the oppressed and underlining the historical and cultural ties between the people of Pakistan and Kashmir.

Dr. Zamir Abro, Dean Faculty of Design, addressed the audience, highlighting the importance of such events in fostering awareness and empathy for the ongoing crisis in Kashmir. He urged the youth to stay informed and engaged, advocating for peaceful resolution and justice for the Kashmiri people.

The event concluded with a solidarity walk, where participants from various departments joined hands to symbolically show their support for the Kashmir’s cause.