Mission Statement

To inspire the textile and apparel industry of Pakistan, fostering entrepreneurship and promoting the craft uplift by introducing new materials, innovative improvisation in dyeing and weaving techniques, and showcasing the unique cultural persona embedded in each thread of the social fabric while promoting sustainability and the use of local materials.

Introduction of Program

Textile design is an interface between materials and making that creates a challenging and dynamic environment. The department maintains hand looms, block printing, manual screen printing, and dyeing of fabric and yarn facilities. Ecologically and environmentally sustainable design issues are made an important concern of the course. Textiles is an ancient craft when entering the domain of Design, touches unfathomable depths of creativity. The Department maintains that fabric construction, surface treatments, color, pattern, and trend forecast are the basics for a textile designer, but an ethical and conscientious design practice is also a must for a ‘thinking’ textile designer.

Scope of Program

Students that enroll in a Textile design degree study textiles, Textile theory, and color theory, types of weaves, weave designs, fabric patterns etc. Additionally, they gain knowledge about how to develop fabric patterns and prints with CAD software and hand weaves. Project-based learning is used in Textile design courses to assist students develop their abilities and portfolios.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduate of Textile Design is expected to accomplish the following PEOs.
PEO 01 To equip with sound technical knowledge, equipment, new materials, and methodologies to investigate all potential applications for improvisation in dying and weaving techniques.
PEO 02 To inculcate the ability to convey and appreciate new and cutting-edge technology by experiencing of both traditional and contemporary textile patterns.
PEO 03 To foster ability to effectively communicate ideas to team members, customers, and persons from different disciplinary backgrounds through written, oral, and visual resources.
PEO 04 To prepare to meet the demands of modern technology and be prepared to embrace the innovative aesthetic, functional, professional, technological, and educational potential in the field textile design.

List of faculty

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLOs are the narrower proclamations that explain what the students are expected to learn and be competent to perform during graduation. These narrate the skills, knowledge, and approach that the students gain during the program.
PLO 01 Be able to work as a textile designer educator and make an academic contribution at national and international levels.
PLO 02 Be able to prepare and present textile patterns and designs in many forums.
PLO 03 Be able to use their creativity and unique textile designs to educate society and act as change agents.
PLO 04 Be able to develop solutions for the students so the researchers, artists, industrialists, and textile designers can benefit.
PLO 05 Be able to assess, propose, and apply various modern techniques related to weave designs, knits, patterns, and surface treatment of fabrics/ clothes.
PLO 06 Be able to plan a budget, determine a price, and display their own articles of clothing and designs for marketing and sales.

Program Details